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Member Updates

UPDATE: January 5, 2022

To our YCRC Members,                                             


This year, your Yuba City Racquet & Health Club will celebrate our 47th year as Yuba-Sutter’s premiere health club! We pride ourselves on significant investments in our facilities and staff, using industry-leading sanitation products, giving you the latest high-tech equipment, offering the most diverse and numerous amounts of group exercise classes and complementary youth programs anywhere in the region.


Throughout this ongoing pandemic, we have carefully tried to maintain a balance behind the scenes that reduced costs where possible without sacrificing your member experience or safety. Unfortunately, virtually every cost of doing business has gone up dramatically, and continues to rise. From labor rates, insurance and taxes; to everything from towels, cleaning products, and equipment; we are being financially affected with higher costs.

We last raised dues in 2010. After twelve years of maintaining our rates we had to make the difficult decision to slightly increase our membership dues ranging $3 to $6 dollars per month beginning February 2022.


We have minimized the dues increase to the smallest possible amount while still achieving our desired goals in the areas of our dedicated staff, comfort, safety and convenience; foremost being enhanced safety and sanitation requirements, including an ongoing commitment to full-time cleaning staff.


We cannot emphasize enough how much we appreciate your continued loyalty and support through this time of change. We can’t wait to share the very exciting club updates and additions coming in 2022. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at (530) 673-6900. Let us help you engage with your club in a way that meets your 2022 health goals. We can connect you with a Certified Personal Trainer at no cost, who can give you a full-body scan assessment, help you create a fitness plan, or just take you around the Club to familiarize you with the new equipment.


Thank you so much for your support.


Yours in health,

Pete Bakis

Yuba City Racquet & Health Club Owner

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Yuba City Racquet & Health Club takes the IHRSA Active & Safe Commitment


Operational Checklist for Clubs

I commit my health club to operating industry best practices and verify that the club has taken the following COVID-19 mitigation steps, while recognizing that some specific aspects may change as new research and science emerges, we will adapt accordingly.

1. Physical distancing/mitigation measures

Facilitating and supporting appropriate physical distancing. The club employs measures including but not limited to signage, floor markings, physical distancing of at least 2 metres/6 feet (or a distance as stipulated by local guidelines) and is enforced. Longer distances will be considered for certain situations, including group exercise, during periods of high community spread, or high intensity exercise.

Occupancy management systems/policies. The health club is aware of and following all capacity limitations/restrictions in accordance with the key considerations guidelines and has systems and policies in place to enforce these limitations. Occupancy is reduced in key areas including locker rooms, group exercise studios, and other typically high-use areas.

Plans in place to reduce cross contamination. The club has measures in place to prohibit the sharing of equipment, water bottles, towels, etc. in all areas of the club. These plans are always available to members.


Mask policy in place and enforced. At a minimum, all local mask ordinances/guidelines are enforced in the facility. Members are required to wear a mask or cloth face covering upon entering and exiting the club, and while moving between areas within the club, and anytime physical distancing can’t be maintained. Members may or may not be allowed to remove the mask during exercise. Staff are always required to wear a mask or face covering in the facility.

2. Employee/Member Safety Protocols

Comprehensive staff training. Employees of the club are informed about the latest available evidence and guidance regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, including transmission risk, current community spread, risk mitigation protocols, personal hygiene training and best practices. Management and staff are committed to following local, regional, and national guidelines.


Employee and Member Health Monitoring. The club has implemented daily health screening protocols for both employees and members. Screening options could include self-screen prior arriving to the facility, and/or temperatures and symptoms screening prior to entering the facility.


Regular member communication. All policies and protocols are clearly communicated with members across a variety of mediums so they understand and actively participate in appropriate COVID-19 mitigation measures.

Contingency planning. The club has safety and communication plans in place for situations including a member displaying symptoms while at the club or a member who has tested positive for COVID-19 and potentially exposed other members.


Employee feedback mechanism. The club provides a safe and appropriate mechanism to highlight any suggestions or issues, such as a suggestion box or email.


3. Cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting

Extensive hygiene and sanitizing protocols. Personal cleaning products including hand sanitizer and alcohol-based rubs/gels, soap canisters, and closed bins for safe disposal of hygienic materials (e.g., tissues, paper towels, sanitary products) are readily available to members and staff.

The club has a cleaning schedule to ensure the facility is clean and hygienic–wiping surfaces and any equipment regularly with disinfectant, ensure cleaning procedures include disinfection of door handles, toilet handles, bathroom faucet handles, gym, sports equipment, all touch points, etc., in all areas several times per day.

Enhanced measures to optimize ventilation and filtration. The club has ensured that HVAC systems meet all local requirements and standards, and the club has taken additional measures to maintain safe humidity levels (40-60%), regular air exchange, ventilation, and purification. Monitoring records to show evidence of implementation of these measures.

4. Contact tracing

Utilize member management software to aid contact tracing efforts. The club has the capacity and willingness to use member management software to aid health authorities in contact tracing, and has a plan in place to notify any affected members and staff in the event of an exposure.

Contract tracing oversight and protocols are established. The club has a minimum of one designated COVID-19 response coordinator/manager to oversee all contact tracing protocols and procedures, and has a plan in place to notify any affected members and staff in the event of an exposure.

UPDATE: December 1, 2020

Tips for having a healthy holiday season from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.



UPDATE: July 3, 2020


Happy 4th of July weekend! Holiday hours for July 4th will be 8:00am-4:00pm at the Main Club and 11:00am-4:00pm at Rancho Cortez.


Starting Monday, July 6, we’ll have earlier weekday opening hours!

Club and Tennis Court Hours:

  • Monday to Friday 5:00am – 8:00pm

  • Saturday & Sunday 8:00am – 8:00pm

Rancho Cortez: Open Everyday, 3:00pm – 8:00pm


More great updates!


As a reminder, masks are required when you enter and leave the Club. Masks are not required to be worn while you exercise. Need a mask? They are available for purchase at the front desk for $1.

Thank you for your continued membership & support!

- Your YCRC Team

UPDATE: June 1, 2020


Two exciting announcements!

  1. Rancho Cortez will open this Saturday, June 6! Operating hours will be 3pm-8pm, 7 days a week.  

    1. As always, children under 17 must be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian.

    2. For now, no guests and no parties will be allowed.

    3. To comply with local regulations, please maintain 6’ social distancing from non-household members, wear a mask when that is not possible, and sanitize your lounge chair, and any touched items, before and after use. Do not enter the facility if you, or a member of your household, is ill.

Rancho Cortez is included with all Full Club Memberships. Ready to upgrade? Click Here

2. We have extended our partnership with LesMills! Members will continue to have complimentary access to 90+ amazing at-home workouts through June! Over 500 members have accessed these workouts already, click here to get started.

Thank you for your continued membership & support!

- Your YCRC Team

UPDATE: May 20, 2020


Today marks two weeks since we re-opened! Thank you to all our members who’ve used the Club and followed the new safety protocols. The best part of each day is hearing members say, “Wow! You guys are a doing a great job keeping our Club clean and safe!”

Important Notes:​

  • Thank you to all the members who voluntarily paid their May dues, 100% of those funds have gone to pay staff.

  • All membership dues will go back to normal in June.

  • The Sauna is open! Maximum occupancy three people, 6-foot social distancing required.

  • Our class schedule is looking great, with your favorites back and several new classes, click here to view schedule.


As we celebrate the Club’s 45th anniversary, we appreciate your membership and support more than ever. Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

- Your YCRC Team

UPDATE: May 15, 2020

If you don't have a mask, we've got you covered!

Yuba City Racquet & Health Club is sponsoring free face mask giveaways:

  1. DRIVE-UP FACE MASK GIVEAWAY TOMORROW -- Open to the Yuba-Sutter community, Saturday, May 16, 9 am - 12 noon, 950 Tharp Rd, Yuba City, next to Shaw & Associates, across from Lowe's.
    3,000 masks will be given away. Limit 4 per vehicle, while supplies last. Sponsored by YCRC, Shaw & Associates and Fire Chief Jesse Alexander.

  2. MONDAY & TUESDAY, FREE MASKS AT THE CLUB --- For Members Only, May 18 & 19, if you don't have a mask, we'll give you one at check-in! Limited to the first 500 check-ins. After Tuesday, masks will be available to purchase at the front desk.

Thank you for helping us comply with regulations!

- Your YCRC Team

UPDATE: May 9, 2020

Thank you to all the members who checked in this week and followed the new protocols! We were excited to see your faces again... from a distance, and excited to show off all the new cleaning and sanitizing protocols we've put in place to keep everyone as safe as possible.

Club and Tennis Court Hours:

           Monday to Friday     6:00am – 8:00pm

           Saturday & Sunday   8:00am – 8:00pm


Important Notes:​

  • Group Exercise classes will start Monday, May 11!

    • Please check for the current list. This is not the final schedule, some instructors are not able to return yet. Please bear with us over the coming weeks as we improve and expand this schedule, and please try out one of our new classes that our instructors were able to learn during the closure.

    • Per government orders: Group Exercise classes, aquatics and spin are all limited to 9 participants and 1 instructor.

    • First come, first serve for now.

    • Classes will be a maximum of 45 minutes to allow time for sanitizing equipment for the next class.

    • The group exercise floor has been clearly marked to space participants properly.

  • Per government order, masks are required when you enter and leave the Club. Masks are not required to be worn while you exercise.

  • Please help us by bringing your own water, hand-sanitizer, towel and yoga mat.

  • Reminder: All membership dues remain on freeze in May. If you are willing to resume paying your dues, we sure would appreciate it! 100% of your funds will go to paying our staff. Visit to fill out the quick form.

Happy Mother's Day to all our member Moms! We hope you have a wonderful Sunday!

- Your YCRC Team

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UPDATE: May 5, 2020

We look forward to welcoming you back tomorrow, Wednesday, May 6!

Club and Tennis Court Hours:

           Monday to Friday     6:00am – 8:00pm

           Saturday & Sunday   8:00am – 8:00pm


Important Notes:

  • Group Exercise classes will resume the week of May 11th. Please check this weekend for updates

  • Please help us by bringing your own water, hand-sanitizer, towel and yoga mat. See details on the flyer below:


UPDATE: May 3, 2020


Dear Members,


With the recent change to the Yuba-Sutter COVID-19 order, health clubs are allowed to begin re-opening with modified operating protocols.

We are excited to re-open your Club and welcome you back this Wednesday, May 6!


Club and Tennis Court Hours: To allow for additional deep cleaning, the Club hours for May will be:

           Monday to Friday     6:00am – 8:00pm

           Saturday & Sunday   8:00am – 8:00pm


Nursery and Kids Club Hours: (Reservations Required)

           Monday to Friday     8:30am - 1:30pm & 3:30 - 8:00pm
          Saturday    9:00am - 12:00pm


Important Notes:

  • Dues: All memberships will remain on Freeze Status through May. No action is required! Please be assured that no dues will be billed.

    • We have evaluated the balance between our need to start collecting revenue as quickly as possible, with our Members’ concerns about coming back to the club, and giving you a Dues Credit for the March days the Club was mandated to close.

    • We understand many of you are not ready or able to return, so there will be no dues billing in May. Come back and enjoy the Club if you can. You will not be billed for May.

    • If you would like to resume your normal dues billing, with 100% of those funds going towards staff payroll, please fill out this quick online form. Thank you!


  • Safety Protocols & Procedures:

    • Enhanced cleaning and disinfecting procedures are in place, including:

      • Safety Guidelines & Procedures posted at reception and throughout Club

      • Additional cleaners on staff during the day and a deep cleaning crew every night

      • Installation of additional hand sanitizing stations

      • Installation of new equipment wipe stations

      • Additional hand washing stations will be available at Club entrance, indoor fitness area and outside of the Nursery/Kids Club

      • New Safety Protocols for towel service have been implemented. You are encouraged to bring your own towel. Please do not use towels to wipe down equipment.

    • Your responsibility as a Member:

      • Please comply with all posted Safety Signage posted at reception and throughout the Club

      • Please only use equipment that is marked ok to use

      • Please do not come to the Club if you are sick, coughing, sneezing or have a fever

      • Maintain 6 feet of separation between all persons

      • Thoroughly clean all equipment with disinfectant wipes before and immediately after use. Do not use towels to wipe down equipment.

      • Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer, after touching equipment and surfaces

      • Avoid touching your face, cover all coughs and sneezes

      • Masks are required per the modified May 4th Yuba-Sutter Order, except when exercising intensely

    • While all will be provided in the Club, Members are encouraged to bring their own yoga mat, hand sanitizer and towel


  • Club Areas:

    • Kids Club and Nursery will be open, but with limited capacity.

      • Reservations are required; call (530) 673-6900 ext. 108

      • Space is limited to a maximum of three children per family and a maximum of 1.5 hours per day

    • Indoor pool will be open: Limited to one swimmer per lane

      • Indoor family swim is cancelled until further notice

    • Indoor spa will be open, subject to social distancing rules

    • Outdoor pool will be open, subject to social distancing rules

    • Outdoor spa is closed for repair

    • Sauna and Steam Room will remain closed for now; Because of social distancing guidelines, it is not possible to reopen them at this time.


  • Club Services & Activities:

    • Group Exercise & Aquatics Classes will resume on a limited schedule and maximum capacity of 10

    • Revised schedules will be available at the club and online: Check for updates

    • Class times will be 45 minutes in length to allow for cleaning and disinfecting of equipment and room before next class. All participants will be required to clean the equipment they used during class.

    • Group Ex classes will be limited to 10 participants with clearly marked spacing

    • We’re excited to launch a few NEW group exercises classes this month! More information to come.

    • Members will continue to have complimentary, unlimited access to 90+ amazing at-home LesMills workouts for the month of May. Visit to get started

    • Personal Training, Pilates, Tennis Lessons and Swim Lessons will be available with new safety protocols. Contact your trainer/instructor to book sessions, email, or call (530) 673-6900.


We sincerely appreciate your patience and support as we re-open the Club. A Quick Reference guide summarizing the above information will be updated regularly and available in the Club and on our dedicated COVID-19 information webpage,


We’ve missed you very much and can’t wait to see you back!

Your YCRC Team

YCRC Quick Reference Guide_05-06-20.jpg

UPDATE: May 1, 2020


What a difference a day makes! Today, our local Yuba-Sutter COVID-19 order was changed to allow health clubs to begin re-opening next week with modified operating protocols.


We are working diligently behind the scenes to ensure we have the proper staffing levels, and protocols in place, to re-open in a way that keeps our members and staff as safe as possible.


While we will most likely not be able to open Monday, we will be issuing another member update later this weekend with more details. Stay tuned!

UPDATE: April 30, 2020

Recent California statewide guidelines indicate health clubs will not be allowed to open until Stage 3 of a four stage plan (see photo below.) We are currently in Stage 1. We will continue to monitor local guidelines for any differences to the statewide order, and communicate with you every step of the way.

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  • All memberships will continue to be on “freeze”. You will not be billed while we remain closed.

  • Members supporting local businesses! If you own a local business and would like to offer a special, or discount, to YCRC members, let us know! We’ll promote your business through our Facebook page, website and e-blasts to members. Send your offer to or We’re all in this together!

  • Our Owner, Pete Bakis, is part of the founding team for a new statewide California Fitness Alliance. This alliance will serve as one united voice for all fitness clubs, boutiques, and professionals across California, and gives the industry an advocacy organization in California. Please take a minute to join the fight with us as we help shape the future of fitness, visit

  • Don't forget! We want to keep you, and your tribe, active at home! Members will continue to have complimentary, unlimited access to 90+ amazing at-home workouts, Plus, you can share the love! Invite your friends and family to use the at-home workouts, forward the link to your tribe to get started.

  • Most importantly, thank you from the bottom of our hearts! Several members have reached out to our Team and offered to continue having their dues billed during closure to support our staff. If you would like to have your normal dues billed in May, with 100% of those funds going towards staff payroll, please email


Be safe and stay healthy!

Your YCRC Team

UPDATE: April 21, 2020

After five weeks apart, we miss you dearly, and hope you are staying active and healthy! We are monitoring how other areas of the country are handling “Phase 1” of the re-opening process for health clubs. Common themes to all “Phase 1” plans include social distancing (limiting the amount of people inside based on the club’s square footage), limiting time spent in the club, and keeping certain areas closed where sanitizing and social distancing can’t be easily achieved.


Locally, our Club owner, Pete Bakis, has been selected to represent the Recreation Community on the committee to discuss re-opening procedures for our Yuba-Sutter community.


Globally, since the beginning of our shelter-in-place order, Pete, and several YCRC team members, have stayed in daily communication with health club professionals from the around the world. They share best practices for keeping members active at home and share plans for bringing our members back into the Club in a safe and healthy way.


A draft re-opening plan is well underway for the Club. Once state and local regulations are released, we’ll finalize the plan and get it to you asap!


Just to remind you:

  • All memberships were automatically put on “freeze”. You will not be billed for any membership dues or other monthly billings while we remain closed.

  • *Extended through the month of May* Members will continue to have complimentary, unlimited access to 90+ amazing at-home workouts. Visit to get started.

  • Our Director of Fitness, Erika Procaccini, is here for you! Don’t hesitate to email if you have any fitness questions, want healthy recipe ideas, or need suggestions for at-home workouts.


SHARE THE LOVE! Do you know someone who would love access to our at-home workout portal? We’re all in this together! Forward this email to a friend and invite them to click this link to subscribe:

Be safe and stay healthy!

Your YCRC Team

UPDATE: April 7, 2020


Tomorrow marks three weeks since we last saw your smiling faces in the Club. A small part of our team has stayed onboard during this time, and we’ve been busy! From a deep clean at the Main Club to landscape maintenance at Rancho, we are preparing your Club to be ready for your arrival back. We don’t have a date yet, but we will let you know as so on as guidelines allow us to re-open.


While other clubs have continued to charge their members during the shelter-in-place, we placed all memberships on an automatic “freeze”. You will not be billed for any membership dues or other monthly billings while we remain closed.


We promise to stay dedicated to keeping you active at-home!

  • Members will continue to have complimentary, unlimited access to 90+ amazing at-home workouts. Over 450 members have already enrolled! Visit to get started.

  • NEW! Do you know someone who would love access to our at-home workout portal? We’re all in this together! Forward this email to a friend and invite them to click this link to subscribe:

  • NEW! We partnered with Power Systems to offer our members a discount on training essentials. Need a kettlebell, strength band or stability ball to get the most of your at-home workouts? Click YCRCdiscount and enter code “keepmoving” for 25% off your purchase and free ground shipping on orders over $49. Valid through 4/30/20.

  • NEW! Our Director of Fitness, Erika Procaccini, is here for you! Don’t hesitate to email if you have any fitness questions, want healthy recipe ideas or need suggestions for at-home workouts.


Lastly, if you have not been receiving our email updates, we probably don’t have your correct email address! Please take a second to update your information here


Be safe and stay healthy!

Pete Bakis

Owner, Yuba City Racquet & Health Club

UPDATE: March 26, 2020

While the Club is temporarily closed, we are thrilled to see so many of you staying active and healthy at home. Keep sharing those Facebook posts!


We're also happy to report that almost 400 members have accessed our at-home workout portal!

  • "I have been LOVING the Les Mills workouts online. Found quite a few new workouts I’ve never tried 🙂" - Tina

  • "I also absolutely LOVE the online Les Mills workouts - I’ve been doing body pump and body flow. Thank you so much for making these classes available!" - Susan

Get started at Members have free access to stream 90+ amazing Les Mills at-home workouts.


Your YCRC Team misses you very much! While we don't know a return date yet, we are staying positive and keeping your second home clean and ready for your arrival back. Stay healthy and safe!

UPDATE: March 18, 2020 | Club to Temporarily Close


To our Yuba City Racquet & Health Club Family,


We appreciate your support during this very challenging time. We tried our best to keep your Club open while maintaining a healthy environment for our members and staff. With new direction from government officials and after much thoughtful consideration, we have made the decision to temporarily close beginning tonight, Wednesday March 18, at 7pm. We are not sure how long this closure will last. We will be following guidelines from the CDC and what is in the best interest for our members and staff.

During this time, your membership will automatically be placed on freeze at no cost to you. You will not need to call or contact us to place your membership on freeze. If you have not been receiving our email updates, please be sure to check this page and follow us on Facebook for updates.

If you have registered for paid classes or have appointments scheduled with our Personal Trainers, Tennis Pros, Massage Therapists, Swim Instructors or any other staff during this time, your appointment will be cancelled and you will not be charged. All pre-paid services will be honored.

We have never closed our doors in the 45 years we have been in business and we did not make this decision lightly. We intend to open our club as soon as reasonably possible but not before it is determined that it is prudent to do so. We realize that these times are hard for all of us and understand that YCRC is your home away from home. In the end, the safety of our members and staff is our highest priority. We look forward to welcoming you back to YCRC!

We want to keep you active during this difficult time. Members will continue to have free access to our Les Mills streaming at-home workouts. Visit to access 90+ amazing workouts, led by world-class instructors.

Wishing all of you the best. Be safe and remain healthy.

Pete Bakis
President, Yuba City Racquet & Health Club

UPDATE March 17, 2020


🏋️ FREE FOR MEMBERS: Stream 90+ LesMills At-Home Workouts!🏋️

Attention Members, we've secured a partnership with Les Mills international to allow you unlimited free access to over 90 world-class workouts, without leaving your home!

From Yoga to BodyCombat, these are amazing workouts by top instructors. There are even several "Mindfulness" sessions that will provide much needed peace and focus right now.

UPDATE March 17, 2020


First, we want to thank you for your continued support! Keeping your membership active in the coming weeks means we can continue to pay over 80 employees that are the backbone of our Racquet Club team. After 44 years as your locally owned health club, we are praying to weather this storm and be here for you in the years to come!


Additional operational changes to announce:

  • Due to limited space availability, attendance at Kidz Time will be limited to a maximum of two children per family and a maximum of 1.5 hours per day

  • To lesson person-to-person contact, the Front Desk attendant will be having you self-swipe your membership card as you enter the Club

  • As of tomorrow, 3-18-20, the steam room will be closed

  • Four additional cleaning stations have been set-up around the Club for members to use 

  • BIG NEWS! Later today we will be sending all members a FREE link to over 90 fantastic Les Mills at-home workouts

Thank you for your continued membership!

UPDATE March 16, 2020


To our Yuba City Racquet & Health Club Family, 

For over 44 years, it’s been our mission to maintain a safe, clean and healthy Club for members and staff. While there have been no reported cases of COVID-19 (Coronovirus) in the Yuba-Sutter area, we’d like to provide you with a detailed list of additional efforts we have recently implemented to ensure your continued safe use of the Club:

Equipment Cleaning: Sweat/perspiration cannot transmit the virus, but if an infected person coughs or sneezes, the virus can survive on surfaces, so in addition to a night cleaning crew, we now have a full-time day cleaner, focused on more frequent disinfecting and cleaning of high-traffic member areas. We wipe down and sanitize all cardio, strength, and group fitness equipment multiple times per day.


Our members are also a critical component of our historical success, so please continue to wipe down your equipment with the gym wipes before and after every use.

Locker Rooms: We conduct a thorough locker room “sweep” every hour during off-peak times and at least twice per hour during peak times. Our mission is to keep the locker room clean, sanitized, and clear of debris. Our biggest ask of our members is that you place your towels completely inside of the towel bins and dispose of all trash in the trash or recycling bins. Please do not leave your towels on the floor or on locker room benches, and please make sure all your belongings are inside a locker as opposed to leaving shoes, coats, etc. on or underneath the benches.


Pools. Jacuzzis and Cold Plunge: All of our Pools, Jacuzzis and Cold Plunge are regularly checked multiple times daily to ensure proper chemical levels and proper filtration. In addition, our automated chemical and filtration systems which maintain pool chemistry at all times are checked multiple times daily. Please remember to wash your hands and rinse prior to entering.


Childcare: All staff are diligently cleaning the facility and all toys that are being used in between use. We will be limiting the time for club childcare to 1.5 hours until further notice. We will be limiting the quantity of children at any given time to 8. For availability please call (530) 673-6900.


If your child has been exposed to anyone with symptoms or traveled outside of the United States we ask that you do not bring them to childcare.


Overall Club Cleaning: We have always and will continue to conduct a thorough full-club cleaning and disinfection, 7 days a week by our staff and night crew. This includes a thorough cleaning and disinfection of the reception areas, fitness areas, childcare, restrooms, locker rooms and showers, steam and sauna equipment, entry/exit doors and handles, member areas and staff areas.


- All of our cleaning and disinfecting products have been checked to make sure that they are formulated correctly, including our detergents for towels

- Additional spray bottles and other cleaning items have been added throughout the club

- Hand sanitizers are checked and filled regularly

- Employees will be cleaning all surfaces every 20 minutes on a rotating basis

- Employees will also be disinfecting the water fountain stations. We recommend bringing your own water bottle to stay hydrated while working out during this time

- Snack bar will remain serving coffee/tea , smoothies and fresh food. We will take extra measures to wash hands prior and use gloves when handling orders


Personal Training & Group Exercise Classes: Our Personal Trainers and Group Fitness Instructors wash and sanitize their hands before and after each client/class. We are taking extra precautions to reduce, and in some cases eliminate, all non-essential physical contact for the time being. Trainers and Instructors will be asking all participants to maintain a minimum 6 ft. social distance during classes.


Most of our Group Exercise classes will be ending 5 to 10 minutes early to create and promote a break between group classes and allow time for all participants and instructors to disinfect their equipment, steps and mats in preparation for the next class.

We recommend bringing your own mats during this time.


Maximum Participation/Capacity, by Area, at Any Given Time:

- 25 in the main studio

- 10 in the cycling studio

- 20 in the main pool

- 4 in the indoor/outdoor jacuzzi

- 2 in the sauna and steam room


Employee Health: All staff business travel, conferences and conventions have been cancelled or postponed. If a staff member shows signs of illness they will be instructed to stay home.

We are now conducting frequent Director meetings and staff outreach to communicate new policies and safety measures as the latest updates unfold.

Helpful Information about the Coronavirus from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):

- Stay home if you are ill to help prevent the spread of germs and illnesses

Note: If you are at the Club with symptoms, we will ask you to go home

- Don’t touch your face

- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. If you don’t have a tissue, cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve/elbow area

- Wash your hands frequently, for at least 20 seconds, or use a hand sanitizer


In Addition to the CDC guidelines, please be a good citizen, disinfect all hard surfaces after using them (equipment, handles, weights, pads and screens.)

Physical activity has been repeatedly shown to provide us with enormous health benefits, mentally, emotionally and physically. This includes enhancing the functionality of our immune system. Your Racquet Club team will continue to do everything possible to provide you a safe place to exercise during these trying times.

Thank you for your continued membership and support during this time. Please don’t hesitate to contact myself or any of our Directors at the Club. We are available to answer any of your questions as they arise.

Every day, we will remain diligent and continue researching how to best keep our members healthy!





Peter Bakis

President, Yuba City Racquet & Health Club

(530) 673-6900

UPDATE March 11, 2020


Posted in Club:

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